Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Pope's Personal Tomatoes

Taking the exchange rate into account, Geneva has got to be the most expensive city in the world, beating out London, Moscow, and Tokyo.  It's impossible to find even a small sandwich that is not more than 12-15 Swiss Francs (about 1-1 with the Dollar).

Today we had lunch at a small Italian restaurant, a mom-and-pop type of place... nothing special.  Below is a picture I took of the menu showing appetizers - take note of the $20 bowl of minestrone soup (first item on the list).  I'm also a fan of the $22 caprese salad.  I asked the waiter if the tomatoes were flown-in this morning from the Pope's personal garden, but he wasn't sure.

The food may be outrageous, but I think I will just have to forgo that Patek Philippe I've been eyeing on my way to work each morning (well food prices plus the 50% pay cut I took as part of the project).  Given the work we're doing, I realized I shouldn't complain when I looked at how much my malaria medicine cost - $600 for a three month supply (before insurance).

So for the 4 billion people who live on less than $4/day, they would have to save a minimum of 1.5 years of earnings (and not buy or eat anything) for every year of malaria protection.  So now I have an answer to my question on why 500 million people are stricken with a disease that's so easy to prevent and treat.


Bluefin said...

CK, the world is awash in fiat currency that can be created in unlimited quantity, lot of which disappear through political and financial larceny. Switzerland is a good hiding place for all that money - hence the inflated price of your meal.

But soon you will be feasting on dried insects and indigenous fruit - a very healthy diet. Good luck with your journey.

Bose said...

Its only few days from now when u land in Africa and then its no money required...itz the personal hunting for survival...kill it ur self to be able to eat the way whenz ur plan to let me know...