Monday, October 5, 2009

Lost, Sauced, and Sobered

Three things from today:

  1. They (those wise strawmen) say the best way to learn a new city is to get lost in it.  I've been here five days now and must know half of Geneva's landmarks. Apparently lost is the new found for me - I must have looked so authoritative and confident in my wanderings today that I had no less than four groups of British tourists try to hire me as a tour guide.  I came up with a great solution though - I am practicing my route to the office and back on Google Maps Street View.

  2. Judging by the English put on my kebab sandwich as it was being tossed by the angry one-eyed Lebanese restaurant owner, apparently "no sauce" translated into French means just "no chili sauce" and not "no lactose sauce".

  3. One of the fun facts I learned over the weekend was that we should buy a personal supply of syringes to bring with us to Kenya and Nigeria should we need any medical care.  Another sobering reminder of just how dire daily life is for so many people on a day-to-day basis.  When I was getting pumped full of vaccines I only half-jokingly asked the doctor how anybody manages to survive in these countries, and not-jokingly he astutely responded, "Most don't."