Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hanging With the Prime Minister

The red carpet was rolled out in the lobby today - Prime Minister Odinga was in the hotel to give a speech.  We were shown in to the lounge where we were holding our meetings today, and as we walked in we asked, "Wait, isn't the Prime Minister using this lounge?"

The reply, "Oh yes, but he is sitting over in that corner.  You guys can sit over there."  Over there was 30 feet away from him and his entourage.

No questions asked, no frisking, inspection of our bags, etc.  Pretty crazy.


kathryn said...

Hi from Evanston. (Where there's a great Ethiopian restaurant we can try when you return).
Just wondering if a certain person had to wear a suit jacket when perching so close to PM Odinga?

CK said...

He actually was offended and confronted me, but I told him I used to work at the White House and quickly pretended to take a call from Obama. He asked me to pass along his regards and seemed mollified.

We have a meeting at the Ministry of Health tomorrow morning (not with the minister himself, yet) and my plan is to play the "Oh, sorry, I didn't know the local protocol" card, then go buy Nairobi's finest tailored suit to be found for 7,000-14,000 or so Shillings.

kathryn said...

We will of course need photos of said suit...